From the Editor-in-Chief
Dear Chapter Members,
We hope the IEEE Information Theory Society Guangzhou Chapter Newsletter can provide a long-term and effective platform for knowledge exchange. Scientific articles are rigorous, where their publications require a relatively longer period to accommodate the process of writing, reviewing, revising before the final stage. We believe this Newsletter can become a complementary channel for our members to announce their results and even conjectures. It might catalyse our endeavour in the areas of information theory and coding, for the better.
Li Chen
Table of Content
Finite-length Code and Application in Network Coding;
Progressive Algebraic Soft Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes Based on Module;
A Protograph Based Design for Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes;
SYSU Held 2020 GuangShen Workshop on Coding and Information Theory;
ISIT 2020 Seminar of the Information Coding and Intelligent Transmission (ICIT) Laboratory
at Sun Yat-sen University;
AP/Postdoc Positions Opening;
Ling Liu,Congduan Li,Jiongyue Xing;