From the Editor-in-Chief
Dear Chapter Members,
This issue introduces the capacity optimal receiver design and the multiuser coding scheme for networks with large scale connections. It also introduces the derivative descendants and the implied decoding for cyclic codes, the design of coding schemes for NAND flesh memory and an editable semantic communication system for 6G networks. On Aug. 10, the Chapter co-hosted the 2nd IEEE/CIC ICCC Workshop on Information Theory and Coding for Future Wireless. On Aug. 13, the Chapter further hosted the SYSU Workshop on the Frontiers of Algebraic Coding Theory and Applications. Scholars of the Chapter have achieved remarkable work in information theory undergraduate education. The undergraduate courses of Information Theory and Coding of SYSU and Fundamental on Information Theory and Coding Theory of JNU were both enlisted as the first-class undergraduate courses of Guangdong Province.
Li Chen
Table of Content
Capacity-optimal and Low-complexity Iterative Receiver and Multi-user Coding Scheme
Derivative Descendants of Cyclic Codes and Derivative Decoding
Design of Adaptive Dynamic Codec Scheme for NAND Flash Memory
Editable-Deep SC: Cross-modal Editable Semantic Communication Systems
The 2nd IEEE/CIC ICCC Workshop on Information Theory and Coding for Future Wireless
SYSU Workshop on the Frontiers of Algebraic Coding Theory and Applications
2023 GD Postgraduate Workshop on Coding Theory and Computer Communication Technology Academic Forum and the Annual Meeting of National Key R&D Project
Venue Investigation for ISIT 2026
The 30th Annual Symposium on CIE Information Theory Society
IEEE Information Theory Society Distinguished Lecture on Information-theoretic Cryptography
Founding of the IEEE Information Theory Society Harbin Chapter
Information Theory and Coding was Recognized as A First-class Undergraduate Course of Guangdong Province
Fundamentals on Information Theory and Coding Theory was Recognized as A First-class Undergraduate Course of Guangdong Province
Yuhao Chi; Yingge Li
MDPI Electronics
MDPI Entropy